

EBA 2005 - Securing the Future


1. Entitlements affected by the proposed sale of Telstra

(a) Maternity Leave: The Agreement will guarantee employees continued access to the current entitlements of the Commonwealth Maternity Act.
(b) Long Service Leave: The agreement will guarantee employees continued access to the current entitlements of the Commonwealth Long service Act.
(c) Superannuation: Telstra will provide full compensation based on actuarial advice to any employee who faces reduced superannuation entitlements as a result of the sale of Telstra. Employees who are currently in the CSS will have the option of staying in the Scheme.

2. Workplace Representatives - Recognition and rights.

To assist employees in the process of the Dispute Resolution Procedure, Workplace Representatives will be given appropriate time and access to facilities such as access to appropriate employees and management, office facilities etc. to enable them to carry out their role effectively.
To further assist proceedings, such representatives, if required, will be granted paid leave to attend AIRC hearings.

3. Dispute Settlement Procedures

All disputes will be covered by the Dispute Resolution Procedure. The AIRC will be empowered to settle disputes over the application of agreements/awards by conciliation and/or arbitration.

4. Process for taking Leave

Employees will be able to take recreation and long service leave whenever they require it.

5. Rostered Days Off

Where it is substantially proven by Telstra that RDOs cannot be taken on a certain day on a regular basis, RDOs will be applied across all days of the week (Mon. to Fri.)

6. Work/Family Issues

Telstra are to provide adequate and substantial information in regard to changes to an employee's hours of work, overtime requirements or to use accrued leave. Such information must substantially prove the need for such changes, and affected employees will be given adequate and appropriate notice (i.e. 3 months) of any intended change.

7. Job Security

8. Job Descriptions/Reclassifications/Grandfathering

(a) That all ambiguities that exist in the current (agreed) Job Description be removed.
(b) That a joint process be defined to facilitate the reclassification of positions in Telstra. Such a process will provide access to a third agreed independent party when agreement cannot be reached.
(c) The "Grandfathering" Allowance be maintained and any salary increase to be applied to such an allowance.

9. O.H. & S.

That a joint strategy be defined to include workplace practices.

10. Salary Increase

That a substantial increase to salaries be applied. (6%)

11. Super Choice

All employees will have access to the T.S.S. fund, which, in the case of Superannuation choice of fund laws applying will be the default superannuation fund.

12. Unpaid Travel Time

All travel to and from work, including where changes are made to work area boundaries are to be in Telstra Time, or paid at the appropriate overtime rate.

13. Salary Sacrifice

That salary sacrifice provisions that are available to employees who are engaged by Telstra under AWAs apply to all employees.

14. Call Centre Working Hours

That employees are paid the appropriate rate of overtime for all work done outside the commencement and finishing times.

15. Hygiene Issues

(a) That the ETCA allowance applied in NDCG be included in the Agreement.
(b) Clause 10 (Exemptions - E.T.T.) to be included.
(c) Include Casual Employment Loading of 20% in Agreement.
(d) The advertising of jobs to include Band Level / Workstream
