Weekly Bulletin


Number 02 Special       21 January 2024


Following the bullying complaint it was agreed that a special committee of E000 members meet on 30 Jan to discuss the issues. So fare we have the issues listed below. Our delegates from NSW and VIC will be involved. We seek your comment and issues. Please advise asap either to me or to your delegates.



1. The simple explanation of the work of an E000 call taker masks the real work environment. The work is stressful. The types of caller ranges across all persons in our community - distressed callers, confused callers, injured callers, threatened callers, abusive callers etc. Then there is the environment. These elements include call quality, background noise at caller end, background noise at Telstra, language issues and speech quality.

2. Then there is the environment. These elements include call quality, background noise at caller end, background noise at Telstra, language issues and speech quality.

3. While Benestar, a private counselling company, attends the workplace two days a week under an Employee Assistance Plan, this service provides no benefit other than listening to grievances and venting and is unable to comment or recommend any changes to the work environment.

4. The following issues have arisen in the workplace and are common to the work areas.


5. There is nothing special about the 3 second deadline set by management for speed of answer (SOA). It is arbitrary.

6. Telstra has a service level agreement and is bound by legislative requirements to answer the calls within a certain time. The time limits are set by legislation - The Telecommunications (Emergency Call Service) Determination 2019 states:

    48 Speed, efficiency and reliability for numbers 000 and 112
    (1) Subject to subsection (2), the emergency call person for 000 and 112 must ensure that, for each day that the person receives calls to the emergency service number 000 or 112:
    (a) 85% of the calls are answered by a call taker within 5 seconds of reaching the relevant answering point for the call; and
    (b) 95% of the calls are answered by a call taker within 10 seconds of reaching the relevant answering point for the call.
    (2) The emergency call person for 000 and 112 will not be in breach of subsection (1) if a failure by it to reach a daily target set out in that subsection is due to a matter beyond the control of the person and which could not have been reasonably foreseen by the person.
    Example 1: Delay in answering emergency calls due to unexpectedly high calling volumes caused by unforeseen natural disasters.
    Example 2: Delay in answering emergency calls because of action taken to prevent or manage an ECS disablement event.
    Example 3: Delay in answering emergency calls due to operational issues experienced by an emergency service organisation.
7. There is no problem setting 3 seconds as a target. But it is unreasonable for management to arbitrarily set a target which results in threats if not met. Performance plans are a step in the disciplinary process. As an example, one agent was threatened to be placed on a performance plan for 25 x 4 second call answers in a month. This is not even one a day amidst about 300-400 calls.

8. Proposal: Telstra advises staff that the target is just a target and the 99.5% requirement for individuals will be abandoned. Further, Telstra will not threaten staff with a "Performance Plan".


9. The members are not seeking to slow down what is an essential public service. One measure proposed will increase the speed of answer. The proposals here are to reduce pressure on staff and unnecessary wastage of time monitoring staff.

10. Telstra has determined that staff must answer the call within 3 seconds. Management has not been sympathetic to complaints. They advise staff:
- keep a hand on the mouse at all times
- keep looking at the screen
- stay "focused"
- keep a drink bottle and diary on desk
- breaks without permission, unless registered breaks
- not block calls even when required to make a report.

11. This timeline creates excessive pressure on staff. While it can be done in 3 seconds, Telstra insists that it can be repeated up to 400 times a day.

12. An agent is struggling with the mouse to navigate to an icon to press answer upon switching on the computer and waiting for start-up. Yet the `enter' or `tab' button to answer would be more efficient and allow for immediate answer.

13. Proposal: Telstra to make a minor software change so that any key (or the space bar) will cause an answer to happen. This simple measure will actually significantly improve SOA overall, and reduce pressure on staff.


14. There are a number of reasons why a call taker may need to pause calls from being received on their computer. Between calls, it may be necessary to create a ticket to report an issue by creating a "ticket" or to take a short break for health reasons.

15. The system does not have an incoming Pause/Stop facility to allow staff to write out tickets, to prepare for incoming calls, etc. - Despite this facility being available on the previous system, this has been removed under the modifications implemented on the current system.

16. This is also a cause of stress and complications when trying to meet SOA before an issue is resolved.

17. Proposal: That Telstra reintroduce the Pause/Stop facility.


18.. The Sydney facility in particular has not been designed with a call centre environment in mind. It has solid flat walls and an open ceiling. Best practice requires sound proofing on flat walls and ceilings.

19. Removal of a noisy background will allow better understanding of the works said by callers, reduce delays caused by the need for clarification and reduce misdirected calls.

20. Proposal: That Telstra immediately install sound baffles on ceilings and walls to reduce the background noise in the centre.


21. The KPI for Team Leaders is even more stringent. The whole team must achieve 99.91% for speed of answer. We note that Telstra deny this.

22. Proposal: That Telstra explain the KPI for Team Leaders so that we can respond further.


23.. The Monthly KPI Scorecard reports on Call Connection Accuracy. The target here is exceptionally high - 100% for the month. There is no leeway or appeal. There is no room for human error. Failure here means that a Performance Plan and/or Coaching is almost a certainty.

24. The problem here is the subjective nature of the assessment. This is where the problems outlined above come into play. Poor English, noise, distressed callers etc may not be clearly understood and the agent may believe that he/she has correctly heard the location and connect the caller to the incorrect service. The notice simply states "Not Met".

25. Proposal: That Telstra introduce a transparent and objective process to assess any call where it is alleged that a misdirected call occurred. Further the 100% call accuracy be reassessed.


26. E000 Staff were required to do a RAT test every day before a shift. This is done in their own time and is unpaid. Some examples of the direction are:

    Complete your RAT Test prior to arriving for your shift and show your negative result to the Duty Supervisor on the Operations Desk.

    Requirement- The tests are to be completed prior to attending the workplace as per Telstra Policy

27. No other staff in the building are required to do RAT testing. Further, E000 staff mingle with other staff in lunch rooms, common areas and lifts. They are treated differently.

28. RAT Tests have been PAUSED as of beginning September 2023.

29. Proposal that Telstra pay staff overtime for all times when RAT testing was done before the commencement of work. The time should be no less than 15 minutes per shift.


30.. E000 staff have no choice but to join the "Job Family" stream of classifications. Telstra sets salaries and pay increases and decreases are done by Telstra without consultation or explanation.

31. Proposal: That Telstra explain the pay system at E000 including the process adopted when staff meet expectations, exceed expectations or do not meet expectations


32. E000 maintains records on staff that are not available to staff. This results in secret reports being inputted into records without staff knowing about the report and obviously no opportunity to challenge or correct the report. Eventually these are used in performance reviews.

33. Proposal: That staff who request access to their files be given access to all files.

  • 0428 942 878 dan.dwyer@cwunion.net Dan Dwyer
          Secretary/Lawyer - industrial matters & advice
  • NSW Home Page
  • 03 9663 6815 cdtsvic@cwu.asn.au Administrative
          eg payments, applications (Open 8am-4pm MTWT)
  • Vic Home Page
  • Authorised by Dan Dwyer Secretary - CWU Telecommunications & Services Branches.

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    VIC Web

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